Our Staff

Adam Zucco


9 x Kona Finisher
Business Owner

Kathy Pope Nix

Vice President

Ironman Finisher
Corporate executive

Bryan Balak


2 x Ironman Finisher
Kansas State University

Marcus Scott


Kellogg School of Management

Membership Comittiee 

Our staff is hard at work to help give all Storm members an amazing experience! 

Get Started
"This is a testimonial. Click the image above to replace it with a headshot of a favorite clients, then replace this text  with a quote."

Sheila Bianco

Creative Client
"This is a testimonial. Click the image above to replace it with a headshot of a favorite clients, then replace this text  with a quote."

Lisa Brewer

Creative Client
"This is a testimonial. Click the image above to replace it with a headshot of a favorite clients, then replace this text  with a quote."

Ren Hardman Schrock

Creative Client

Coaching - Head coach John Sclocum

Storm welcoms ANY COACH who is certified an opportunity to participate and share knoeldege. If you think you woudl like to help, please contact us. 

8 x National Championship Qualifier
4 x World Championship Qualifier

Our Goal is to make every Storm member stronger and more confident in their triathlon racing.

"Scott is represents SuperFlY coaching as a certified coach who has been coaching and racing, to include Hawaii Ironman World championships for over 20 years. 

Ironman World Championship Qualifier

2020 USAT 50 to 54 National Champion 

Multiple National Championship qualifier

Tom Egan

All Out Multisport Coaching